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RMC-V3 Grinding Machine

This grinding machine is designed to meet all our client’s needs, the new RMC-V3 keeps the same key features of the first one: high quality materials used, greatest performance, minimum vibrations, high wear resistance, easy use for operators

This grinding machine is designed to meet all our client’s needs, the new RMC-V3 keeps the same key features of the first one: high quality materials used, greatest performance, minimum vibrations, high wear resistance, easy use for operators. But the RMC-V3 has something more: it is furnished with a piece rotating system, with one head only, allowing to bring wash-basins up to 90° and to work both on its support plan and shoulder.

Finally it will be possible to get wash-basins (and WCs) perfectly rectified on two sides, avoiding any further maintenance and continuous problems linked to the presence of two heads (in the old grinding machines), whit no need of interventions sometimes on one head or on the other.

The real innovation of the RMC V-3 is the wide opening of the doors which now allows the loading and unloading of pieces using the vacuum lift, making the operator’s work easier.

The RMC-V3, by adding few accessories, can also rectify WCs. A complete and highly reliable machine, fit for who is aiming to the best.


The machine operates on ceramic pieces which have already been fired. It meets the exigency to sand wet ceramic materials (health, wash basins, vases, etc.). vitreous in-china-clay fire, in order to obtain a good surface smooth and free of smearing.

The grinding is completely lined of stainless steel AISI 304 with a piece-holder that can be frontally pulled out (making operator’s task easier), and with pneumatic-opening doors.

The lower part shows a double lining in stainless steel having inside noise absorbing material, thus avoiding any wear.

Inverters control the engines that start the movements, so as to allow speed changes.

The engine that drives the grinding can get up to 7000 revolutions without any torque loss.


Inside the machine is positioned a walker work piece with a piece (photo) of locking system with adjustable force and lock walker both pneumatic. The group is supported by a rotating arm driven by a copying device which brings the engine that brings the cutter rotation (photo). The Machine has a working field of 1800mm on the X-axis and 800mm on the Y-axis (that can be adjusted according to the customer’s demand) with a minimum height of 200mm and a maximum height according to the customer’s needs. The Machine moves along cemented and ground guides installed externally on the Y-axis to avoid any formation of dirt and rust and closed by means of bellow on the X-axis (cemented sliding wheels with an off-centre axis for the recovery of clearances). The machine is equipped with a diamond head to rectify the sanitary and has a system of rotation of the work-piece which allows, with a single head, 90° to bring the sanitary and work both the support surface that the shoulder. By means of a system of valves, run by compressed air, the water flowing out from a centrifuge pump during working is sent to the grinding’s head for cooling it down and remove the material scraped off. The working area is contained within a fixed protection closed on all sides, composed by a stainless steel AISI 304 structure with thickness 15/10, a material fully resistant to mechanical-chemical stresses it is exposed to, with piece-holder plane frontally extractable and doors with automatic pneumatic opening. Bottom part stainless steel double panelling, with sound absorbent material inside.


Loading and unloading with vacuum lift

With the new wide-opening doors, the grinder is designed to make loading and unloading of parts extraordinarily easy (photo) .

The introduction of the vacuum lift is key to this transformation, lifting the physical burdens off the workers and promoting a safer and more efficient work environment.

Water settling tank for water recovery

Water settling tank for water recovery. Tank made of AISI 304 stainless steel (photo)  to facilitate water settling in those situations in which it is not possible to have it flow into special ground drains. Our settling tank is made of three parts, two of which are communicating. Due to overflow, the two tanks will fill each other, settling the impurities on the bottom and the clean water will only overflow into the last tank from which it will be extracted thanks to the pump. The tank is equipped with wheels and a large rear handle to allow for easy handling and periodic cleaning.

Management software

The machine is furnished with command and control board composed by one keyboard with push-buttons and pilot lights and by a touch screen through which are done adjustments and storing of datas related to the sanitary wares being worked, also by means of a control joystick. This PC controls all axis (on Client’s request also ascent-descent-break) allowing speed’s variations also while running, both manually and automatically. The PC can work both in manual and in self learning program. It is possible to store in memory more than 1000 types of workings.

Main components

Structure of the Machine

All the sheets of the Machine are made of AISI 304. The lower part has a double stainless steel paneling, with sound-absorbent material inside, so as to avoid its wear.

Processing booth

The booth is totally paneled with stainless steel AISI 304 with piece-holder plane frontally extractable and pneumatic opening doors with pedal command.

Piece blocking

Inside the machine there is a piece holder small-ring equipped with piece-blocking system of the pneumatic kind with adjustable strength.

Cartesian plane xy

The machine moves along cemented and ground guides externally mounted on the axis Y in order to avoid dirt and rust and closed with bellows on the axis X.


The circulation of the working and washing water is guaranteed by a centrifugal pump with Widia-Widia tightness, equipped with pre-filter. By means of a system of valves, the water coming out from the pump, is sent to the head of the grinding.

Axis/Template control

The rotation group is supported by an arm run by a device to copy which holds. The rotation axis of the small-ring is the vertical one, thus rotation occurs only on one horizontal plane

Command and control electric board

It has the duty to command, safely feed and give power to the machine.

Command board

The electronic part is rung by a PC, with touch screen commands, which controls all axis allowing speed’s variations also while running, both manually and automatically.


The engines for movements are run by an inverter, so as to allow speed variations. The engine which run the grindings allows rotations up to 7000 rev. without any torque.

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